ICM-2015 intends to bring together chemists, physicists, biologists, environmental scientists and engineers to display their latest findings and to discuss potential avenues in both environmental and biological applications of membranes. It will provide a common platform for leading experts on membrane science and technology, and related areas from all over the world. Membranes find application in all fields of science. Major scientific advancement in membrane science helped solving many of the complicated issues in environmental and biological field. |
The International Conference on Membranes (ICM-2015), is organized by the Centre for Environment Education and Technology (CEET), Kottayam, Kerala
in collaboration with
Advanced Centre of Environmental Science and Sustainable Development (ACESSD), M.G. University, Kottayam
Inter University Instrumentation Centre (IUIC), M.G. University, Kottayam |
ICM-2015 will feature plenary lectures, invited lectures, poster and oral presentations. A young investigators session is also included. A one page abstract of the respective presentations are requested. Participants who wish only to attend the conference without any paper contribution, may specifically mention this in their contact letter. |
Conference proceedings would contain one-page abstracts of all lectures and posters. Abstracts can be submitted by mail or E-mail.
The size limit of the text is one page (A4 size: printing area 6" x 9") including the title, names, affiliation and graphics regardless of the method of abstract submission.
Underline the name of the person who will present the work. Preferred formats are MS Word for the text and JPEG or GIF for the graphic materials. Use Chem. Draw® (ACS format, reduce to 80%) for drawing chemical structures.
Include a soft copy on disc along with abstracts sent by post. “Prepare abstracts according to the guidelines and send them to the convener no later than 30th October, 2015” |
"Kerala- One of the 50 must see destinations of a lifetime" - National Geographic Traveler Kerala, the “God's own Country”, is a land of great natural beauty. From the majestic heights of the Western Ghats the country undulates westward presenting a vista of silent valleys clothed in the richest green. |
With a coastline open to foreign influences, Kerala has evolved a unique culture with a long tradition of religious amity. |
It is an educationally advanced state with its own language Malayalam, and has the highest rate of literacy among Indian states. |
Art forms of Kerala range from Kalaripayattu, the martial art believed to be the origin of various other oriental ones, to Kathakali, one of the dance forms of Kerala considered to be the oldest Indian dance styles. |